There are an estimated 370 million Indigenous people in the world, living across 90 countries. They make up less than 5 percent of the world’s population but protect over 80% of the world’s biodiversity. They speak an overwhelming majority of the world’s estimated 7,000 languages and represent 5,000 different cultures. To this day they retain social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live.
They have sought recognition of their identities, way of life and their right to traditional lands and natural resources for centuries, but their rights have been repeatedly violated by colonial powers, extractive industries and other forms of exploitation. Their resistance movements and cries for help have too often been ignored, which is why we need to stand united. Both for the protection of these marginalised cultures, the heritage they represent and for the protection of the environment, for all of humanity!
Our Mission

What we do
The Sinchi Foundation is a Dutch ANBI status holding and CBF accredited non-profit foundation, founded in early 2016, that exists to strengthen Indigenous organisation and problem-solving by finding and creating an international support base, resources (both financial and otherwise), and worldwide awareness and ally-ship amongst the general public, in order to support and assist Indigenous-led actions against the violation of their rights and the destruction of the environment.

Take a look at some of our Projects

For the Mind
Protecting Indigenous peoples and their lands is our highest priority. But if we want to create lasting change that creates a sustainable and prosperous world for all life, we need a shift in how people everywhere think and act. Indigenous knowledge and ways of seeing the world are not remnants of the past, they are the way forward! This is why we are excited to share with you sources of great inspiration from Indigenous peoples all around the world. Take a look to find ideas often applicable for our own lives, and don’t be hesitant to share in your communities!
We run a variety of different activities aimed at raising exposure and funds. Over the previous years, these have included a large number of events involving music and performance plus film screenings, debates, galleries and speaking engagements. Furthermore, we host the Sinchi international network which connects Indigenous organisations with resources / partners in different parts of the world and have operated a number of competitions over the years to promote the strength and beauty of Indigenous culture through photography and other forms of art.