People’s Planet Project is a global movement of documentary filmmakers producing documentaries on environmental and indigenous rights issues for distribution to both the general public and directly to government decision makers, while also providing indigenous communities with visual storytelling resources, allowing them to demonstrate their daily struggle to protect ancestral forests. We are driven by the belief that providing indigenous communities with a skillset to tell powerful visual stories on the unsustainable practices they face will enable policy action around issues that affect the livelihood and well-being of vulnerable communities.
We organize comprehensive Docu Camps, i.e. filmmaking and storytelling workshops. The documentary camps are realised while partnering with local filmmakers (our ambassadors) who are able to offer those workshops in the local spoken language. The ultimate goal is to use the video content as a proof of evidence to reclaim indigenous forestry lands back. Indigenous community members who attend a docu camp will have the opportunity to be trained as a trainer of trainers. This will allow for a sustainable knowledge circle among the community.
We work together with non-governmental organizations involved in ground breaking environmental and human rights issues globally. The strategic partnerships and the storytelling approach will enable indigenous communities to advocate and campaign for environmental and indigenous rights on a local and global level.
Our objectives are:
To transfer film-making skills to the communities who are on the front-line of the dangerous fight to protect the forests of our planet.
To ensures local ownership and empowerment, as well as long-term project sustainability; Indigenous community members who attend a Docu Camp will have the opportunity to receive a training of trainers. This will allow for a sustainable knowledge circle within the community.
To connect indigenous communities with human rights organizations and use the video content as proof of evidence in court to reclaim and protect forest territories.