Makawatu Kenya Samburu Maasai

Shall We Dance?

Is it possible for predators and local communities with their livestock to live in complete balance with eachother? Apparently so. Researchers from Kenyan local non-profit Rebuilding the Pride have spent a lot of time tracking the local lions’ population and its seasonal movements and have found that they adapt to the presence of people in the area. It’s a seasonal dance. However, the growth of national parks in Kenya is greatly jeopardizing this peaceful coexistence, as lions in the parks are faced with a lack of prey and therefor have turned on kettle of the Maasai- communities in the area, leading them to drastic measures. Non-profits like Rebuilding the Pride go into these communities to learn how they’ve lived side by side with the lions for thousands of years, to learn and recreate natural habitats for both.

Film-maker Anna Campbell grew up in Kenya and followed some of these lions and people of Rebuilding the Pride to make a documentary about them. The result is a beautiful work of art and a very clear call to action: