First 470 food baskets were delivered to 24 remote villages of the Tapajos river basin (Brazilian Amazon) last weekend (05/06 – 07/06), by our local partner CITA – Conselho Indígena Tapajós Arapiuns. This number corresponds with at least 90% of the families that live in the 24 villages of the Kumaruara and Tupinambá indigenous peoples, with many more on the way.
As you can see it’s not a simple endeavor. All of these villages are remote, which means it’s challenging to get to them and part of the budget needs to go to transport on boats. We have a lot of admiration for the people on the ground who stand in solidarity.
Indigenous communities in the Amazon are at great risk of infection with coronavirus. COVID-19 is spreading like wildfire and there is no government support or access to health facilities. It’s very important for those who live remotely, to stay in lockdown. This is why, CITA Indigenous Council and partners delivered 470 basic baskets accompanied by 470 hygiene kits and guidelines to stay in the villages and avoid communities having to come to the city. Read more about our COVID-19 relief here.
In short;
WHO – Our Amazon-based and indigenous partner Conselho Indígena Tapajós e Arapiuns (CITA) – ” We are the guardians of the Tapajós, 13 indigenous peoples across 70 villages that are fighting on the front lines to preserve the Amazon, a sacred territory where our ancestors rest.”
WHY – They now need our urgent help to combat the spread of Covid-19 which could have a devastating effect on these communities due to lack of healthcare infrastructure and governmental support.
HOW – The core focus to avoid families and communities being contaminated by coming to town to buy food / essentials. Our partner objective is to distribute 10 tons of food through 1,500 basic food baskets.
WHAT – Sinchi has already provided funding for boat transport and fuel to 51 villages in the Lower Tapajos region and the first 100+ food baskets which includes key essentials such as rice, sugar,carioca, pasta ,soy, detergent and more.
You can still donate to the cause. Thank you for your support.
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